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Contentless Classes & AB 1012
All students in California have a right to an equal education under the California constitution. Studies have shown that students who consistently receive fewer hours of meaningful class time often have lower reading and math scores, lower graduation rates, lower college attendance rates, and dramatically reduced job prospects. However, we found that students in districts across California were being denied access to classes.  We filed a class action lawsuit, Cruz v. State of California to stop this.  In response, Assembly Bill 1012 (AB 1012) was introduced by Assembly Member Jones-Sawyer and signed into California law by Governor Brown.
AB 1012 ensures that students can take the classes they need to graduate and attend college, while making sure that teachers and schools receive the support and resources they need. It makes sure that students are not stuck in contentless classes that don’t help their education because other classes are unavailable or because of scheduling problems. It also prevents students from being forced to repeat classes they’ve already taken and passed. Starting in the 2016-2017 school year, you may file an AB 15012 complaint at your school if you have been in a “contentless class” for more than two weeks.

Filing a Complaint

If you believe you have been scheduled a contentless class for more than two weeks, you may file a complaint with the principal of the school.
You may file an anonymous complaint, but if you do, the school will not be able to contact you to ask follow-up questions or to request additional information, so you should be certain that your complaint contains all of the information necessary to prove that the school charged an illegal fee.

Investigation and Response Timeline

Within 60 days from the date the principal receives the complaint, the school and/or district must investigate and send you a written response.
The response should include the facts (based on evidence gathered during the investigation), the legal conclusion reached by the school or district, the reasoning for the decision, corrective actions taken, if any, and information about how to appeal. Please note that you will not receive a written report if you filed your complaint anonymously.


If you disagree with the school or school district’s decision, you may appeal.
Within 15 days of receiving the decision, you may send a written appeal to the California Department of Education (CDE). In your appeal, you must explain why you are appealing by either describing why the facts included in the decision are incorrect and/or why the law was applied incorrectly.
You should receive CDE’s decision regarding your appeal within 60 days of the Department receiving your appeal. For more information on the Uniform Complaint Procedures and the appeals process, visit the CDE website.


If the school, district or CDE determine that you were placed in a contentless class for more than two weeks, the remedy provided by the school and/or district must be provided to all affected students and parents.