By Megan O'Neil
The ACLU of Southern California plans to announce a lawsuit Thursday against Glendale police and school district officials alleging racial profiling and harassment of Latino students at Hoover High School.
In complaints filed earlier this year with, and eventually rejected by, the Glendale Unified School District, the ACLU charged that 56 Hoover High students were rounded up at lunch in September 2010 and detained for up to 90 minutes in two separate classrooms. All the students were Latino or Latino in appearance, indicating clear racial profiling, according to the complaints.
The Los Angeles police and Los Angeles County probation departments will also be named in the lawsuit, according to the ACLU.
The ACLU is scheduled to announce plans to file the lawsuit at a news conference at 3:15 p.m. in front of the Pacific Community Center in Glendale.