“Immigration reform must improve the severe civil liberties problems built into our current system,” said Ahilan Arulanantham, ACLU senior staff attorney, before testifying at a Senate hearing. “Every person in the United States, including all immigrants, has fundamental rights under our Constitution, including the due process right to a fair day in court before being locked away for months in an immigration prison or permanently banished from our country. Reform must also guarantee legal representation for those who cannot defend themselves; give judges the power to provide individualized justice in deportation cases; and significantly downsize our costly immigration jails.”
“Too often our immigration system does not live up to what our Constitution requires, and the results are devastating, not only to the immigrants themselves, but also to their spouses and children - many of whom are American citizens and lawful residents.”
View ACLU’s full testimony submitted to the Senate Judiciary Committee at this link: http://www.aclusocal.org/testimony-of-ahilan-arulanantham-for-3-20-2013-senate-judiciary-committee-hearing/
Ahilan Arulanantham’s bio is here.