Criminal Justice and Drug Policy Reform

The ACLU of Southern California is committed to helping re-envision a criminal justice approach that is fair and free of racial bias, keeps communities safe and respects the dignity and rights of all who come into contact with it.

Economic Justice

Economic justice is a civil right. The ACLU of Southern California fights to protect some of society's most economically vulnerable residents, including low-income students, people experiencing homelessness, and low-paid workers seeking equitable working conditions and living wages.

Education Equity

The ACLU of Southern California protects the constitutional rights of all students to equal educational opportunity.

First Amendment and Democracy

The First Amendment is the cornerstone of our free society. The ACLU of Southern California is dedicated to ensuring that all people are free to express themselves – politically, artistically, socially and through other forms of personal expression – without government interference.

Gender Equity and Reproductive Justice

The ACLU of Southern California works to ensure equal access to comprehensive, quality, affordable, and confidential reproductive health care and that personal decisions about sexual activity and child-bearing are informed, respected, supported, and attainable.

Immigrants' Rights

The ACLU of Southern California is at the forefront of local, state and national efforts to protect all immigrants – citizens and non-citizens alike.